Monday, March 18, 2013

False Alarm

Prior to our trip to check-up on the progress of Zonder Zorg, there was a notification of a fire alarm inspection for the units in the building. It was short notice and unable to make the arrangements for someone to be there, we just ignored it. It had long passed our memory when shortly after 08:00  there was a firm knock on our door. Michael was up, in the process of making us a cup of coffee and I was still warmly tucked under the covers. Wrapped in his housecoat Michael answered the door. From our open concept bedroom, I could hear that it was the local fire department wanting to finish their incomplete list. Michael explained that we were still in bed but the fireman said that it would only take a minute. The fire alarm is at the foot of our bed and before I knew it he was standing there, like a doctor, clip board in hand waiving at me. He reached up and spayed the alarm, which responded immediately. I know the dam thing works; every time I bake cookies, a bilingual mechanical voice sounds the alarm with "Fire, Feu, Fire, Feu" followed my a dance with a waiving tea towel. With another short hand wave, he was gone. He was right, it only took a minute, not long enough to quickly comb my hair put on some make-up and in this case, I didn't need the blush. 

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